Post-Industrial Journalism / Obama subject-line mania / Twitter typo patrol

Thursday, November 29, 2012
3 things for ... Journalism Friday:

POST-INDUSTRIAL JOURNALISM. The Columbia Journalism School's out with a study proclaiming the end of "journalism ... organized around the norms of proximity to the machinery of production." It says we're in the midst of a revolution where "strategies that worked for decades may simply stop working (as many already have). Strategies that seemed impossible or insane a few years ago may now be perfectly suited to the current environment."
* New York Times editor unsure which reporters are print or digital
* Jeff Jarvis on journalists' Sandy fail: "We got mostly articles. For that’s what journalists do, isn’t it? We write articles. We are storytellers! But not everything should be a story. ... Sometimes lists, data bases, photos, maps, wikis, and other new tools can do a better job."

OBAMA SUBJECT-LINE MANIA. The president's campaign team relentlessly experimented with email subject lines to find the best responses. Bloomberg Businessweek examines the science of subject lines.
* Why aren't more newsrooms doing the same?

TWITTER TYPO PATROL. Why spelling counts: The Atlantic takes a look at the vigilantes patrolling cyberspace for sloppy writers.
* Poynter: Should reporters' tweets and Facebook posts be edited in advance?
* How are your tweets doing? New tools twtrland and SocialBro show you at a glance.

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