'Speaker Boehner and the House should stand firm and reject this quiz'

Thursday, October 17, 2013
Time again to find out if you've been paying attention -- to the @Meyerson Twitter feed, the Meyerson Facebook page, the Meyerson Strategy blog, the Meyerson LinkedIn page and whatever else I've been working on lately.

Take the latest in this long national nightmarish series of news quizzes. This time, there's a prize on the line:

(Sample screenshot)
BONUS INCENTIVE. After you've taken the quiz, take a screenshot of your score and email it to Charlie@MeyersonStrategy.com.

Each of the three highest scores by Sunday, midnight, will earn a free pass to my Oct. 23 presentation to benefit the Alliance of Creative Professionals -- on the art of getting people to open email. (Tickets go for $20 now, $30 at the door.)

Take the quiz!

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