Area man gets new police press pass

Friday, November 2, 2012
Hot off the Chicago Police Department presses.

Know of something uncovered? I can cover it.

UPDATE. By popular request, here’s how to get one:

Contact the Chicago Police Department Office of News Affairs at 312-745-6110 or at and ask for an application form. Freelancers need to provide a letter from a news organization for which they’ve worked. (In my case, a letter from the chair of a university journalism department was sufficient.)

Details here. Key passage:
Freelance personnel are eligible for media credentials when a media outlet within the Chicago market extends a letter of authorization.
You’re welcome.


salty said...

How'd you get that? I should get one too.

Charlie Meyerson said...

Directions added above!

sallyduros said...


Unknown said...

Really a very nice post. Thanks for sharing the valuable information regarding press passes.