It's news-quizzin' time!

Friday, February 1, 2013
Also: Four things for your weekend, including a free movie

Meyerson WBEZ News Quiz No. 4It's that time again. Test your knowledge of the news over the last week, as recounted in the pages of this blog. Study up, then click below. (Or click below and consult the blog as you go along; we're not fussy.)


Four things for your weekend:

'JOURNALISTS ARE ON NOTICE. IF YOU INVESTIGATE THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT, CHINESE HACKERS WILL COME AFTER YOU.' Slate's Farhad Manjoo says reporters need to learn two lessons from the hacking of The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and others.
* The NYT's squeamishness about the S-word leads it to print a Web address that just doesn't work.
* "The Onion Freely And Happily Gives Its Employees' Passwords To China."

LAW SCHOOL SQUEEZE. Applications are headed toward a 30-year low, and Jordan Weissmann of The Atlantic calls it "a desperately needed adjustment" because "the legal economy is in a shambles."

'THE GUNS-FOR-EVERYONE ADVOCATES HATE THAT STATISTIC.' Handgun-owning Democrat Stephen King -- yes, that Stephen King -- has published a 99-cent ebook essay spotlighting a 60 percent drop in gun homicides since Australia cracked down on guns.
* Numbers back him up.
* Mother Jones: 10 pro-gun myths shot down.

OSCAR-NOMINATED MOVIE, FREE. If you didn't see "Wreck-It Ralph," you probably haven't seen the touching piece that preceded it, "Paperman," one of the contenders for the animated short award. But Disney's released it to the Web via YouTube, and so you can see it here. If "Love Actually" had been good, it would've looked more like this. (Catch the homage to "The Red Balloon" at 5:39.) You're welcome.

* This space intentionally left blank.

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