What I wrote for my kids after 9/11

Sunday, September 11, 2016
Until our three sons graduated from high school, my wife and I kept a parental journal for each of them. Excerpts from my entries in the days after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001:

Sept. 15, 2001.
To Benjamin, who was 14: I was genuinely scared in those first few minutes of terror—who knew what would be next?—but I’m convinced now that we’re relatively safe here in Chicago and Oak Park.
To David, who was 9: … I told you yesterday that I don’t believe you and your family are in any physical danger, and I’m confident you’ll be fine. 
But I wonder about America as a whole. I worry whether the hate unleashed here and untamed elsewhere can be contained or restrained.
To Joel, who was 12: … The world has changed, and I worry about you guys and your future. Nothing seems as bright and promising as it did a week ago. I expect it will again some day. I hope that day is soon.
Nov. 25, 2001.
To David: Our national defense has been substantially augmented by a wide array of David Meyerson-designed weaponry and shelter constructed largely of Lego. You did take time out from your military-industrial activities this weekend to design a red-green-and-white Christmas-themed Lego structure. “Merry Christmas,” it says. 
Peace on earth, we hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt the same. My son was only 9 months old. I thought, what will he grow up in? Bombs in garbage cans? People blowing up themselves on buses? I was frightened by the idea of outside intruders trying to destroy what I had. Now I worry about who's inside..